< Kaleab Tes />

__________Washington, DC · (202) 643-2894 · kaluzyt@gmail.com__________

Determined Front-end developer with a technical support background, notable experience in designing and building responsive web design using HTML, CSS, JS and React Frameworks. Willing to embrace new challenges and eager to learn more and grow as a software engineer.


Front-End Engineer

Triplo Tech Solutions

Determining the structure and design of web pages, striking a balance between functional and aesthetic design, and ensuring web design is optimized for smartphones.

Feb 2021 - Present

Amra Consultant

Front-End Web Developer

Create and maintain websites, using the latest industry software to provide a superior user experience that consistently delivers the customer/readership base that the website is seeking to attract.

January 2020 - Jan 2021

Web Developer

Letena Restaurant

Responsible for designing, developing, testing, publishing and maintaining web pages and websites, including layout to functionality, according to stakeholder specifications and organizational standards. I strived to create visually appealing sites that feature modern user-friendly design, clear navigation, exciting content, and follow the latest accessibility guidelines.

July 2019 - March 2020


St Mary's University

Computer Science
Software Development with Visual Basic

Sept 2010 - Jun 2014

Generation USA

Web Developer
Web Development with HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, React and MongoDB

July 2021 - October 2021

W3 School

Certified Javascript Developer
Web Development using Javascript and HTML DOM

July 2021 - October 2021


Google Analytics

Data analytics and process data to gain key business insights with Google Analytics.

February 2020


Programming Languages & Tools
Workflow Tools
  • Bash
  • Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Agile Development & Scrum


Profesional website designed while working for the companies and some of my favorite project pursuing a bootcamp at Generation.

Awards & Certifications